Description | - Superior Image Quality (T2HI)
- Greater portability
- Innovative design
- Intuitive user interface
- Simple Needle Visualization (SNV) technology
| 15″ LCD monitor, 2 Hot-swappable Probe ports, Keyboard with programmable keys, HPRF (High Pulse Repetition Frequency), MBP (Multi-beam Processing), Trapezoidal Imaging, Panoramic Imaging, Advanced THI (Tissue Harmonic Imaging), TDI (Tissue Doppler Imaging) ,MicroScan (Noise & Artefact Reduction), Multi Parameter Compound Imaging, M Tuning (One Touch Image Optimization), Steerable M mode, uScan, Bi-Plane Transrectal Imaging, Multi-Plane Adult and Paediatric TEE/TOE, Endocavitary Imaging with Extended Field-of-View, Stress Echo, anatomic M mode, PDF report, Automatic flow volume analysis, IMT, HQNF (High Q Noise Filter), 2 USB ports, Video in/out ports, Li-ion battery. | The Expert is the new flagship LOGIQ e. The imaging engine comes from GE leading console systems, delivering crisp images in a compact package. Providing ultrasound imaging with precise anatomical detail at a variety of depths. The system includes innovative features that help simplify proceedures. | 3D-4D ultrasound is a technique used during pregnancy that displays three-dimensional images and movement of a fetus (fetal face and other body parts). Other applications include multiplanar imaging of the pelvic organs. This developing technology is also being used in some diagnostic medical procedures such as biopsies and enhanced visualization of cardiac structures. National Ultrasound offers a variety of 3D-4D Ultrasound machines such as GE Voluson i, GE Voluson e, GE Voluson E8, Voluson 730 Expert, Medison Sonoace 8000, Sonoace 9900 or Toshiba with the Xario and Apilo. Our team of expert sales managers will help you find the right 3D-4D ultrasound machine to meet your diagnostic needs while staying within your budget. | Product Features:- Exclusive Raw Data Digital acquisition and storage
- Color Doppler, Spectral Dopler, B, M, Triplex, 3-D
- 150+ Frames per Second TrueDigital imaging
- All digital video clip and still image capture (4,000)
- On-board patient, image and reporting archive
- CD-ROM disk burner included, plus PCMCIA and USB
- Raw Data manipulation on image recall for Post Exam:
- Anatomic M-mode creation and adjustment
- Gain, magnification, and colorization control
- Playback speed, sweep speed, angle, baseline, and more…
- 3-D Digital processing and manipulation o Clip and still measure-annotate-enhance-store new
- DICOM 3.0 capable, plus VetPACS all Digital interfacing
- Angio
- Virtual Convex
- PW/CW Doppler
| Ultraformer III’s 7 clip-in transducer cartridges project uniform ultrasound beams directly to multiple layers underneath the skin to promote tighter collagen formation, tissue contraction and reduction in the volume of adipocytes that form bulging areas of tissue.Patients notice an immediate benefit in improved skin tone and texture, with ongoing improvements over 3 to 6 months
Traditionally difficult areas such as eye lifting are made easier with Ultraformer III’s specialised cartridges. It is possible for patients to experience up to 6mm of eyebrow lift, depending on their particular situation. |
Content | Konica Sonimage MX1 Ultrasound
Konica Sonimage MX1 Ultrasound Point-of-Care system inherits a DNA of innovation from the higher-end model SONIMAGE HS1. The system delivers advanced technologies that ensure superior image quality and efficient workflow – all with exceptional value.Intuitive Operation
Konica Sonimage MX1 Ultrasound Customizable touchscreen with the five most frequently used keys allows you to facilitate superior workflow and improve efficiency and throughput.Cradle (Cable stress free)
Cradle, a mounting platform for MX1, allows you to hand-carry the system without insertion and removal of AC power/USB cable. It can be mounted on the cart with VESA and enables you to charge the battery when you put the system back.MPA, a function unique to Konica Minolta, enables you to change multiple image parameters like frequency and turn trapezoid on in conjunction with depth change. It reduces unnecessary key strokes to optimize the image and increase throughput.Dual Sonic, Konica Minolta’s unique technology, uses a unique transmitting algorithm which can transmit two waveforms depending on the focusing depth.In combination with T2HI technology, it forms the high quality of THI signal around the center of ultrasound beam in the receiving area. As a result, it suppresses the acoustic noise to ensure the optimum image from deep area to superficial.Anytime, Anywhere for anyoneThe SONIMAGE MX1 Point-of-Care system inherits a DNA of innovation from the higher-end model SONIMAGE HS1. The system delivers advanced technologies that ensure superior image quality and efficient workflow - all with exceptional value. Workflow EfficiencyIntuitive Operation
Customizable touchscreen with the five most frequently used keys allows you to facilitate superior workflow and improve efficiency and throughput. Easy and QuickCradle (Cable stress free)
Cradle, a mounting platform for MX1, allows you to hand-carry the system without insertion and removal of AC power/USB cable. It can be mounted on the cart with VESA and enables you to charge the battery when you put the system back. | SonoScape S8 Portable UltrasoundSystem Description: The SonoScape S8 portable ultrasound is an award winning portable ultrasound system with outstanding image quality in all modalities. SonoScape has designed a fully featured, shared service ultrasound system producing image quality one would expect from a much more expensive console system. Frost & Sullivan “Product Quality Leadership” Award:
“The S8 is versatile in performance,” notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Shriram Shanmugham. “It uses a 15 MHz linear transducer, 512 super high density transducers, and is the only echocardiography system that also offers 4D imaging capability. None of the company’s competitors offers such a combination of 4D and high-end echocardiography technology affording portability.” “The high frame rate and high definition image quality provide users better diagnostic experience than ever” Application:- Shared Service!
- Ob/Gyn
- Anesthesia
- Urology
- Vascular / Vascular Access
- Breast Imaging
- Abdominal
- Small Parts
- Cardiac
Features:- 15” LCD Monitor
- 2 Hot Swap Probe Ports
- High Pulse Repetition Frequency [HPRF]
- Multi Beam Processing [MBP]
- Trapezoidal Imaging
- Panoramic
- Imaging
- Advanced Tissue Harmonic Imaging
- M-Tuning [One touch image optimization]
- uScan
- Multi Plane Adult & Pediatric TEE
- Intimae Media Thickness [IMT]
- High Q Nosie Filter [HQNF]
- B-Mode
- M-Mode
- Color Doppler
- Power Doppler
- Spectral Steered Doppler
- Real time Triplex: B, Flow & PW Doppler / B, Flow & Color M
- 4D
- Tissue Doppler Imaging
- B-Color
- Anatomic M-Mode
- DICOM 3.0
- 2 USB Ports
- Video In/Out
| | Options:- Mobile Trolley
- Printer
- Stress Echo
Transducers:- C344, 5-2MHz/R40mm, Abdominal Convex Probe
- C362, 5-2MHz/R60mm, Abdominal Convex probe
- C542, 7-4MHz/R40mm, Abdominal & Pediatric Probe
- C311, 4-2MHz/R15mm, Micro-convex Cardiac Probe
- C611, 8-4MHz/R11mm, Micro-convex Pediatric Cardiac Probe
- L741, 10-5MHz/46mm, Vascular Small part Linear Probe
- L742, 15-5MHz/38mm, Vascular Small part linear probe
- L743, 15-5MHz/46mm, Vascular Small part linear probe
- L541, 7-4MHz/38mm, Vascular Linear probe
- 10L1, 12-6MHz/36mm, Vascular Small Parts Probe
- 10I2, 15-5MHz/25mm, Linear Surgical Probe
- 6V1, 8-4MHz/R11mm, Endovaginal Probe (135 degree)
- 6V3, 9-5MHz/R10mm, Endovaginal probe (200 degree)
- EC9-5, 9-5MHz/R8mm, micro-convex Endocavity probe (150 degree)
- 2P1, 4-2MHz, Phased Array Cardiac Probe
- 5P1, 7-4MHz, Phased Array Pediatric Cardiac Probe
- MPTEE, 7-4MHz, Multi-plane Phased Array TEE Probe
- MPTEE Mini, 7-4MHz Pediatric Multi-plane Phased Array TEE Probe
- VC6-2, 6-2MHz/R40mm, Curved volumetric probe for Live 3D
Biopsy Guides:- C344, C362, L741, L742, L743, 10LI, L541, 6V1, 6V3, EC9-5, 2P1, 7U2
| GE Logiq e r7 Portable Ultrasound Machine
The LOGIQ e R7 provides even more impressive veterinary abdominal and cardiac images than the BT12 LOGIQe, combining the high performance of a console system with the portability of a laptop.Highlights of the GE LOGIQ e R7:- Simple. Fast. Precise
- Colour Flow Mode, Power Doppler Imaging (PDI), Pulse Wave Doppler (PWD), Continuous Wave Doppler
- 15” high resolution colour LCD screen
- Integrated solid state hard drive
- Automatic optimisation
- CrossXBeam
- Speckle Reduction Imaging (SRI-HD)
- Virtual Convex / Virtual Apex
- Fine Angle Steer
- HD Zoom (Write Zoom)
- Coded Harmonic Imaging (CHI) – Enhances near field reslolution for improved small parts imaging as well as far field penetration. Diminshes low frequency / amplitude noise and provides clarity to needle, anatomy and motion.
- Raw Data Processing
- Quicksave – Single button push sends single image or entire patient exam to memory stick or network
- On-board manual (Help)
- Loop storage – from live scanning and from memory
- Patient Information Database
- Customisable user interface
- Full M&A calculation package with real time Doppler calculations
- Report writer package – on board reporting package automates report writting
- Portable and battery operated so easy to move from room to room
- Export of stills and clips to USB.
More GE Logiq e r7 Portable Ultrasound MachineThe Expert is the new flagship LOGIQ e. The imaging engine comes from GE leading console systems, delivering crisp images in a compact package. Providing ultrasound imaging with precise anatomical detail at a variety of depths. The system includes innovative features that help simplify proceedures.GE NextGen LOGIQ e R7 Ultrasound System The GE NextGen LOGIQ e R7 Ultrasound System has an imaging engine that delivers crisp images in a compact package. Point-of-care-specific software and transducers help to see the needle to administer a block or perform an aspiration quickly. When productivity is crucial, you can control the console from the transducer, potentially eliminating the need to have a second person assist. Anatomy-specific presets and only displaying the functions that you need helps you to direct your focus on the patient rather than the control panel. Although the system features a large, user-friendly, high-res color display, it is also very durable and compact for easy portability. | GE Voluson i Portable 3D/4D UltrasoundFeatures* Lightweight and portable
* Battery operation
* Real-Time 4D
* 3D Multiplanar Display
* 3D Power Doppler
* Automatic Optimization (AO)
* Speckle Reduction Imaging (SRI) and CrossXBeam deliver advanced computational power, allowing for simultaneous processing of CrossXBeam CRI and SRI together – enabling added speckle reduction, contrast resolution and image clarity.
* HD-Flow uses a bi-directional Doppler feature to achieve a more sensitive vascular study and reduce overwriting.
* Volume Contrast Imaging (VCI) allows for image quality in either a single plane or all three planes of a volume acquisition
* Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation (STIC) captures a full virtual fetal heart cycle in real time, and the volume can be saved for offline analysis.
* Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging (TUI) makes analysis and documentation of dynamic studies easier with a simultaneous view of multiple parallel slices of a volume data set.
* Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCAL) is a semi-automated volume measurement tool that utilizes computer technology to provide accurate volume calculations.Comes with:GE Voluson i Portable 3D/4D Ultrasound* 1x Voluson i Portable 3D/4D Ultrasound
* 1x RAB2-5RS (2-5MHz) 3/4D Convex Abdominal Probe
* 1x E8C-RS (4-10MHz) Wideband Microconvex Endocavity (Vaginal) Probe
* 1x RIC5-9-RS (5-9MHz) 2D/3D RealTime 4D Endocavitary ProbeThe GE Voluson i ultrasound machine is primarily used for OB-GYN applications, but is versatile and powerful enough to be used for a variety of other applications as well. The Voluson i ultrasound machine carries the power of the GE Voluson line with access to premium 2D and 4D imaging in a portable form factor. The GE Voluson i provides the extraordinary image quality needed to confidently scan for women’s health. The GE Voluson i portable ultrasound machine offers features such as speckle reduction imaging and CrossXBeamCRI, which both lend to the incredible image clarity and quality of this system. The Voluson I portable ultrasound system is known for ease of use, allowing the operator to scan patients faster and more efficiently with better accuracy. | GE Logiq 5 Ultrasound MachineThe LOGIQ 5 is a mid premium multipurpose color imaging system with high level image quality, computational power and workflow flexibility.Product Features: - Exclusive Raw Data Digital acquisition and storage
- Color Doppler, Spectral Dopler, B, M, Triplex, 3-D
- 150+ Frames per Second TrueDigital imaging
- All digital video clip and still image capture (4,000)
- On-board patient, image and reporting archive
- CD-ROM disk burner included, plus PCMCIA and USB
- Raw Data manipulation on image recall for Post Exam:
- Anatomic M-mode creation and adjustment
- Gain, magnification, and colorization control
- Playback speed, sweep speed, angle, baseline, and more…
- 3-D Digital processing and manipulation o Clip and still measure-annotate-enhance-store new
- DICOM 3.0 capable, plus VetPACS all Digital interfacing
- Angio
- Virtual Convex
- PW/CW Doppler
This unit comes with 2 probes:- Abdominal 3.5C
- Transvaginal E8C
GE Logiq 5 Applications:- Abdominal
- Vascular
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Neonatal
- Urology
- Transcranial
- Cardiology
- Small Parts
GE Logiq P5 BT11 to BT06 Revisions
GE first launched the Logiq P5 in 2006. That first version was designated as BT06. “BT” is an abbreviation of “Break Through” and the number designates the year in which this version was launched. So the GE Logiq P5 premium BT08 was launched in 2008 and was in production till the next version in 2009, the Logiq P5 premium BT09. BT08 and BT09 added CrossXBeam and SRI as standard features and gave access to the 11L linear and E8CS endocavitary probesIn 2011, the Logiq P5 premium BT11 version was released and this is the latest version and is still in production in 2016. BT11 added support for the newer 3Sp adult cardiac sector probe, the 5Sp pediatric cardiac probe, and the 4D8c 4D microconvex probe. New options for Elastography, TVI, Stress Echo, Auto IMT, and SRI-HD were added. The Logiq P5 has always been a reliable ultrasound system, but the BT11 revision is especially stable because of it’s long 5 year history without the need for any further revisions! All this while the Logiq P5 premium became the #1 best selling GE ultrasound unit in production. | CLASSYS ULTRAFORMER III UTR3
You’ve heard about it, now see and feel the difference for yourself.Ultraformer III is the leading technology for facial lifting, tightening and contouring. Now with 7 interchangeable cartridges that offer your patients another dimension in non-surgical face and body treatments.Ultraformer III is widely used with over 10 million treatments performed worldwide. It has become the treatment of choice for patients who are not yet indicated or not willing to undergo surgery. This fills a huge gap in the market, and captures an audience of people from 30 years of age all the way to 80.ULTRAFORMER III FEATURESLess discomfort associated with treatments
Patented transducer design for more efficient energy delivery
Dual hand pieces with automatic recognition for ease of use
Faster shot and treatment speed to save time
Easy, user-friendly design and interface
Shot count information and voice assistance
Backed by clinical papersThe CLASSYS ULTRAFORMER III UTR3 advantage with slim transducer designimproves operator visibility
supports very narrow focus and precise treatment
fits facial contoursFast elliptic transducersmore efficient treatment timesUltraformer III’s 7 clip-in transducer cartridges project uniform ultrasound beams directly to multiple layers underneath the skin to promote tighter collagen formation, tissue contraction and reduction in the volume of adipocytes that form bulging areas of tissue.Patients notice an immediate benefit in improved skin tone and texture, with ongoing improvements over 3 to 6 months
Traditionally difficult areas such as eye lifting are made easier with Ultraformer III’s specialised cartridges. It is possible for patients to experience up to 6mm of eyebrow lift, depending on their particular situation.Ultraformer III’s 7 clip-in transducer cartridges project uniform ultrasound beams directly to multiple layers underneath the skin to promote tighter collagen formation, tissue contraction and reduction in the volume of adipocytes that form bulging areas of tissue.Patients notice an immediate benefit in improved skin tone and texture, with ongoing improvements over 3 to 6 months
Traditionally difficult areas such as eye lifting are made easier with Ultraformer III’s specialised cartridges. It is possible for patients to experience up to 6mm of eyebrow lift, depending on their particular situation. |
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